Wednesday 17 October 2012

Punk lashes out

So as you might know Mr CM Punk hit a fan after Raw over a week ago. This was not part of any story line [though it would not be surprising if WWE did try to turn it in to one].  Now who is to blame for this? Something goes wrong, someone is responsible, right? Well I assume so, unless you just say, 'ah it just went wrong, not a thing could be done, it happens, nobody is to blame.' 

The answer, to me, is very obvious, it was the WWE's fault. They messed this up, right? They did not have security covering that area. Then again it could be security's fault. Were they meant to be there? It could be that they were in the wrong place. Was it Punk's fault? Could he have reacted differently? More maturely? After all, he hit the wrong person anyway. I am not going to play judge and jury here, but what I can say is, some head's went flying. The main writer was fired after the Raw show. Was he responsible for security? I'm not sure now. What is going on? What are the standards? There were probably other heads that went flying. It would not surprise me if some of the security guys job's went flying too. After all, it was their fault alone according to Vince. Of course 'oh great' Vince is innocent. Since he can't fire himself, he goes for those who work for him. If he was alone in this company, nothing would ever go wrong!! If he had no backstage guys, no cameramen, no writers, no production people, no wrestlers etc then it would all go perfectly, wouldn't it.

What is a shame, is that the WWE never seems to care about it's fans. Why did they not apologize to the fan who got hit by Punk for putting on his sunglasses at the wrong. Let us not forget a pyro that previously injured a number of fans at Wrestlemania 24 and other events where fans got hurt. WWE you need to start caring about the people who basically give you money.

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