Saturday 6 April 2013

Smackdown hits an all time low

I'm not just referring to the pathetic excuse for a show that was on last night. I didn't watch, but I did read a write up of the show online, and that was just as bad. Last night's show was just another example of how little the WWE currently cares about Smackdown. Here's what I haven't understood for a long time, and continue not to understand. If the WWE doesn't have any interest in putting any effort in to the show, why keep it around? Much the same way as, if the WWE doesn't have any interest in the World Heavyweight title, why keep it around? It makes no sense. They just seem to be going through the motions with some stuff. It's clear that certain wrestlers are never, and I mean never [okay perhaps once a year] on Smackdown. Obviously they're deemed too important to appear on a half assed, horrible written show like this. 

Last night was bad, but it wasn't that much worse than usual, it was just a much worse version of the crap you normally get. The card was cut in half [or even in to a 3rd] and most of the show was filled with re-caps and Wrestlemania promotion. Smackdown is often used as a re-cap show for Raw, but this time it was used to keep hopping over to fan Axxess for pointless segments and promotion of their big Pay Per View. Type in #WWEsucks on twitter, you'll see I'm not the only one complaining. It really was a horrendous show, but it just stuck the nail in the coffin to what was already a pointless show if you ask me. Any arguments that Smackdown has a purpose have evaporated. If there is a purpose, it's to annoy fans. I've seen better Heat shows back in the day. Oh and dear WWE, what about the fans who paid to be there? Do they deserve to sit through a show that is just used to promote another show? This calls for some refunds to cheated fans, and while they're added, how about giving them their wasted time back?  

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