Friday 22 March 2013

Overrated wrestler of the week

This is another one of those picks that might get a negative reaction. I've thought this for some time now and I have finally decided to put him in here. Let's face it, his in ring work does not merit him being a multiple time World Heavyweight Champion. This guy has had 15 World titles, and this includes 6 in WCW and 4 in TNA! Yes TNA, a company created when Steve Borden, the man behind the face paint, was already well in to his 40's, yet he still managed to not only join the company, but he won [was given] the World title on 4 separate occasions.
I don't remember ever seeing a match with Sting in it and thinking, 'wow, that was a great match.' He's an average wrestler, with an average move set. His 'scorpion death lock' finisher has nothing on Bret Hart, or even The Rock's version of the sharpshooter, and his other moves are bland at best. His most famous move, now sometimes used by others, the Stinger splash, is nothing to get excited about [it's just a running splash in to the turnbuckle], yet somehow this face painted 'Crow' rip off is considered one of the big names of wrestling. I just don't get it. It's not that I don't like him either, but when I heard the rumours of him being considered for Wrestlemania a while back and saw people getting all excited about it, I didn't understand it. 

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